Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some Advantages of Being an Atheist!

I was thinking about the advantages of being an atheist, so I put together this list. Note that I wrote “advantages”, not “privileges”.

1 Be an atheist and don’t waste 10% of your income by donating to a church. Give directly to a charity of your choice. Many churches spend too much donated money on building funds, missionaries and anti-gay campaigns. There are also additional savings by not having to buy expensive clothes and vehicles to impress the other church members. Did Jesus wear Louis Vuitton or Gucci or drive an Escalade?

2 As an atheist you are no longer obligated to say “God bless you” to someone who sneezes or participate in superstitious rituals.

3 As an atheist you can sleep in on Sunday mornings. No more dragging yourself to a big expensive building, wearing expensive clothing for some minister to tell you how to be more like the non materialistic, “helping the poor” Jesus.

4 An atheist is not required to confess to, or kiss the ring of any Catholic clergymen.

5 An atheist can listen to any music, read any book, participate at activists functions and vote for their choice of president/politician without worrying about being excommunicated or shunned.

6 An atheist can eat fish, shellfish, pork or anything he/she desires without sin or violation to dietary laws. Many Christians don’t give a shit about religious diets, but I thought I’d mention it anyway. Many in the Bible belt are overweight and only adhere to the “see food” diet plan.

7 An atheist can determine what is right or wrong for themselves within the limits of human law and their own conscience.

8 Sons and daughters of atheists will never have their genitals mutilated in the name of religion.

9 An atheist does not need to pray or read books about atheism to retain their philosophy. Atheism requires no brainwashing nor constant indoctrination. Nor do we need idiotic practices of faith healing, baptism, communion, confirmation, “Holy Matrimony”, or participate in prayer hotlines.

10 An atheist child does not usually get molested by Catholic priests, Protestant youth ministers or other religious leaders.

11 An atheist is not required to use stupid, child-like titles when addressing their fellow non-believers, such as “Brother Bob”, “Pastor Tim”, or “Sister Jill”.

12 Atheists are free to ask the question, “Why” and expect a real and substantial answer. We don’t answer questions with, “Because it says so in the Bible” or “God said it”. The Bible is not proof of anything except a belief in a god.

13 An atheist woman is free to use whatever manner of birth control she chooses.


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