Consider the following :
1. France bans the burqa – there are protests in the streets of Pakistan against this.
2. Pakistan loses to India in cricket match – Pakistan captain apologizes to the muslim world for the loss.
3. Muslims in (alleged) trouble in any part of the world – say Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Xinjiang, Iraq – there are Pakistanis or those trained by Pakistan, fighting for the rights of the muslims there.
Is there a pattern to all this?
Yes, there is.
Pakistan is slowly shaping itself up as the protector/representative of the muslims worldwide – atleast in its own perception.
The blueprint for this was ofcourse drawn by Saudi Arabia which wants to re-establish the Caliphate and the Umma (global Islamic community), with itself at the head - which saw in Afghanistan how jihad could bring even a superpower like the Soviet Union to its knees and so manipulated a pliant but ambitious leader like Zia Ul Haq to radicalize Pakistan to suit its own ends to superpowerdom. Pakistan was the right ingredient in the mix with certain unique qualities no other Islamic nation possesses : an elite which considered itself the inheritors of the Mughal empire, still dispossesed of the lands they once ruled, a people with no known history of being a nation artificially bound together in the name of religion, a land riven with fuedal/regional animosities, a substantial population poor and illiterate with little prospects of betterment, an elite totally uncaring of that social responsibility and their insecurity with their giant neighbour which had already sundered them into two - using these complexes, Saudi Arabia has manipulated the situation in Pakistan to establish Madraassas all over the country and spread radical Wahaabi Islamism with the ultimate goal of shaping the Pakistani masses as a sword for the re-establishment of the Caliphate.
Historically every marauder who ravaged the world did one main thing : he unfied peoples/tribes under a single banner using a goal/ideology before unleashing them on the world to wreck havoc - Pakistan was the perfect fit for this with its critical mass population of two hundred plus million with an identity crisis whose only unifying factor lay in religion. Poverty and strife are the necessary conditions in which people would turn to radical Islam to be brainwashed with hate against the unbeliever - so no surprise that the Pakistani establishment has no interest in developing the country or improving the conditions of the people. Due to this steady indoctrination over the years, Pakistanis believe themselves to be the true muslims who will take the sword in the cause of Islam and Muslims (anywhere) - a war-cry which will find little support in most other Islamic societies. At a higher level for those who orchestrate this jihad, this is not really about Islam or religion as a human rights activist from one of the dominant familes in Pakistan affirmed in an an interview with Rediff sometime back - this is only about what all politically inspired violence and wars are always about : wealth and power.
Al Queda is probably hand in glove with the Saudi establishment as the end goal of both is the same. Al Queda needs the resources of the Saudi establishment to wage its jihad, while the latter wants the former to be the spearhead which keeps jihad alive in the minds of Muslims in Pakistan and the world.
The dependence of the USA on Saudi Arabia for oil, has forced the Americans to keep this truth under wraps. The USA is in reality also covering up Saudi involvement in the many instances where they apparently seem to be covering up for Pakistan in its various entanglements with radical Islamists.
China has cleverly exploited the situation and subtly redirected this jihadi sword against India which it considers as its future rival. And Pakistan inturn has exploited the insecurity of the Chinese viz the Indians, to secure missile and nuclear technology - which one day could be turned against the Chinese themselves.
The most dangerous thing in Pakistan is not its nuclear weapons, but rather poison of the ideology of hate against the unbeliever which has slowly and steadily been pushed into the hearts and minds of the populace. Saudi Arabia is the strategist and controller while Pakistan is the hatchet man doing the dirty work. When the time is ripe the covert jihad of today will become overt.
1. France bans the burqa – there are protests in the streets of Pakistan against this.
2. Pakistan loses to India in cricket match – Pakistan captain apologizes to the muslim world for the loss.
3. Muslims in (alleged) trouble in any part of the world – say Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Xinjiang, Iraq – there are Pakistanis or those trained by Pakistan, fighting for the rights of the muslims there.
Is there a pattern to all this?
Yes, there is.
Pakistan is slowly shaping itself up as the protector/representative of the muslims worldwide – atleast in its own perception.
The blueprint for this was ofcourse drawn by Saudi Arabia which wants to re-establish the Caliphate and the Umma (global Islamic community), with itself at the head - which saw in Afghanistan how jihad could bring even a superpower like the Soviet Union to its knees and so manipulated a pliant but ambitious leader like Zia Ul Haq to radicalize Pakistan to suit its own ends to superpowerdom. Pakistan was the right ingredient in the mix with certain unique qualities no other Islamic nation possesses : an elite which considered itself the inheritors of the Mughal empire, still dispossesed of the lands they once ruled, a people with no known history of being a nation artificially bound together in the name of religion, a land riven with fuedal/regional animosities, a substantial population poor and illiterate with little prospects of betterment, an elite totally uncaring of that social responsibility and their insecurity with their giant neighbour which had already sundered them into two - using these complexes, Saudi Arabia has manipulated the situation in Pakistan to establish Madraassas all over the country and spread radical Wahaabi Islamism with the ultimate goal of shaping the Pakistani masses as a sword for the re-establishment of the Caliphate.
Historically every marauder who ravaged the world did one main thing : he unfied peoples/tribes under a single banner using a goal/ideology before unleashing them on the world to wreck havoc - Pakistan was the perfect fit for this with its critical mass population of two hundred plus million with an identity crisis whose only unifying factor lay in religion. Poverty and strife are the necessary conditions in which people would turn to radical Islam to be brainwashed with hate against the unbeliever - so no surprise that the Pakistani establishment has no interest in developing the country or improving the conditions of the people. Due to this steady indoctrination over the years, Pakistanis believe themselves to be the true muslims who will take the sword in the cause of Islam and Muslims (anywhere) - a war-cry which will find little support in most other Islamic societies. At a higher level for those who orchestrate this jihad, this is not really about Islam or religion as a human rights activist from one of the dominant familes in Pakistan affirmed in an an interview with Rediff sometime back - this is only about what all politically inspired violence and wars are always about : wealth and power.
Al Queda is probably hand in glove with the Saudi establishment as the end goal of both is the same. Al Queda needs the resources of the Saudi establishment to wage its jihad, while the latter wants the former to be the spearhead which keeps jihad alive in the minds of Muslims in Pakistan and the world.
The dependence of the USA on Saudi Arabia for oil, has forced the Americans to keep this truth under wraps. The USA is in reality also covering up Saudi involvement in the many instances where they apparently seem to be covering up for Pakistan in its various entanglements with radical Islamists.
China has cleverly exploited the situation and subtly redirected this jihadi sword against India which it considers as its future rival. And Pakistan inturn has exploited the insecurity of the Chinese viz the Indians, to secure missile and nuclear technology - which one day could be turned against the Chinese themselves.
The most dangerous thing in Pakistan is not its nuclear weapons, but rather poison of the ideology of hate against the unbeliever which has slowly and steadily been pushed into the hearts and minds of the populace. Saudi Arabia is the strategist and controller while Pakistan is the hatchet man doing the dirty work. When the time is ripe the covert jihad of today will become overt.
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